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Anxiety & Depression

Everyday I awaken I am presented with feelings of negativity and anxiety. The internal feelings tend to surface In my everyday life at a highly intensified daunting rate causing me to feel isolated and scared. As I sit at home in a quiet room everything I imagine my life to be appears hostile. As I anticipate the future demands of life such as acquiring the job in which is required for me to survive I shiver up and shy away from these experiences. Although I am totally aware that this experience of my reality is totally mind made I cant seem to catch a grip of myself falling into the negative formations of my imagination. Day by day I begin to feel more oppressed into the delusions of my mind almost trapped in a sense. Evidently for a long time now I have been anxious hiding away in my quiet home dealing with the hostile processes of mind. Similar daily routines and patterns have caused me to become more attached to this mind made idea. I search internally for presence and long to let go of my thoughts allowing everything to flow rather than engaging. Being silent for moments I catch a glimpse of inner peace finding a place where again I feel at ease realizing that everything really is ok. Identification with my mind only surfaces more suffering in my life so I have to allow myself to detach from the mind made opinion of myself it is not who I truly am. For anyone out there who is struggling with similar experiences I hope we all can find a way to overcome the difficulties of our reality. I am here to talk if anyone needs a shoulder to cry on and let go of the hardships and challenges produced by your mind. Thanks for hearing me out today live in the moment find stillness be safe and have a great day!!!!

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