Consciousnesses Game
It seems as time goes on my perception of life has deepened in all aspects of my life. The journey through my days of youth I remember imagining that I was very unhappy due to the circumstances and difficult times I was experiencing. Reflecting on that now I have come to realize that it truly was a walk in the park although it may not have appeared to me in that sense perceiving it now I have realized I was young free free of the oppression of society. Given the direction I have took through my lifetime I have to consider that everything I have experienced is all relative to my current circumstances. Coming from my current standpoint I feel that my perception and awareness of self has expanded opening a gateway to new feelings and emotions that can appear in consciousness quite intensely. Sometimes internally I feel very unsettled experiencing intense feelings of fear and anxiety which causes me to interpret these (appearances in consciousness) into my reality. The more I try to resist these feelings the strength tends to increase quite rapidly outwardly looking all cool and all but inwardly its a battleground playing ping pong with my thoughts. The fundamental acknowledgement of this is that these emotions were initiated due to thought which arose in consciousness. So what can I do to transcend these intense appearances in my mind. I have began to acknowledge that these appearances are just thoughts not truly me if they were I would have always experienced them through my lifetime from young to now they are not original to me.I have learnt to detach myself from these emotions that appear and focus on just observing them rather than engaging with them when I do this it is as if they surface and just dissolve instantly losing their weight. Without my attention and interpretation of importance they cant stick. I feel this is all consciousnesses game before returning to our original self. I just have to keep myself together find the pure urge to overcome the attacks of the mind I hope this anxiety and fear will soon be over resting in the true place of peace and love within.